Saturday, September 4, 2010

It's coming!

That's right, the Infernal Spawn of Evil!  And no, not a mouse holding a cup of joe!   I'm talking about Scars of Mirrodin, and all the love, anger and sorrow that comes with it.  
Only around 20 cards have been spoiled so far from  and wow, things do not look good, in a good way!  As in NOTHING LOOKS BAD AS IN EVERYTHING LOOKS WOOOOOH POWERFUL!  Sure, you know the days of Goblin Hero are long gone, but the standard keeps getting higher and higher!  Now we're talking about a planeswalker that gives 3+ turns of unblockable to your creatures  though at least his cost is fair.   Unlike the Wurmcoil Engine! 

6 colorless for a 6/6.  Okay, not a bad threat that any deck can use.  Now give it deathtouch, well, that's not much, 6/6 hardly needs deathtouch.  Now give it Lifelink!  And now you have John-Everydecks late game.  But, at least it's fragile, right?  Everything from Naturalize, to Shatter, to Doomblade gets it.  Well, it appears we can't get a good card, that is good in it's own right anymore, not since Jund anyways, people want that one card to be more then just that one card!  So now, when you kill the Wurmcoil, it splits in half, giving you a 3/3 deathtouch, and a 3/3 lifelink.  Mmmmhmmm.

"It's an okay card I guess, but my opponent can just Doomblade it, and then I got nothing!" 

Okay, I guess that's a little extreme, but my jaw dropped a little bit at that card.

Now, as I talk about Memnite, I want you to close your eyes and imagine if it was in during the Reign of Ravager.  0, for a 1/1 artifact creature.  yep, that's now the importance of creatures, an uncommon, no cost body.  I think it's kinda cute myself, speaking of cute, I'd like to welcome back the alloy/mana myrs!  I love these little fellas, perfect addition to an casual deck.    Well, this was just a rant post.  I'll come back tomorrow to give what I like, hopefully there will be more spoilers around then! 


  1. I kinda hate how the standard is getting so much higher. Happened to the pokemon cards as well, thats what I've heard atleast :)

  2. Aw man. I want a revamp of myr so bad. That's what sucks about ongoing tcgs- they get more and more buffed, so earlier cards are either useless or exploit huge loopholes.

    Good article. Followed, clicked.

  3. Made me realised..

    I have to put my old 3D glasses and watch SPY KIDS 3D


  4. Haha, nice. I can't wait to see more!

  5. sick work man

    hit us back

  6. What's with the Rat love lately... ? Anyway, nice post! Keep the good work coming. *Supports, brother*

  7. slick feed mang,

    follow and hit a brother back

  8. MTG!! WOOT! I'm following feel free to check out my blog!

  9. yay MTG. Nice blog man. Sadly I am currently selling all my old and new stuff on ebay. I plan on only playing limited

  10. I could have sworn that was just a mouse... but too many times have I been fooled by things that are "just" something.
    Damn you just a mouse card, damn you!

  11. yeah, it's getting harder to keep up with all the releases nowadays

  12. lol i love the pic of the infernal spawn of evil

  13. I am currently playing magic on the 360, it's not as good as the table top card game but it's decent.

  14. Trading cards :O
    I still got my yu gi oooooooooh

  15. Oh man, I totally forgot about my old collection of trading cards.

  16. Wow, I haven't played MTG since the 7th edition was new. I feel so old now...

  17. i want it to say hello to me too >=D

    and uhm.. check my blog i discovered sumfin which is pretty much likely to drive me nuts! ( or is about to drive my nuts back to.. ahh nvmd =

    smoochies and well creamy poopies :*

  18. Oh man... I haven't played magic in such a long time, this really got me thinking about playing again.

  19. This brings me back to the good old days!
